1990s crime drama written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. In Los Angeles, over-the-hill boxer Butch Bruce Willis is paid to take a fall, but instead goes on the run with mobster Marsellus Wallace Ving Rhames's money. Meanwhile, hitmen Vincent Vega John Travolta and Jules Winnfield Samuel L. Jackson have a difficult morning trying to retrieve a briefcase full of cash for their boss before Vincent is tasked with taking Marsellus's wife Mia Uma Thurman out for the night. Elsewhere, would-be bank... Celý popis
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1990s crime drama written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. In Los Angeles, over-the-hill boxer Butch Bruce Willis is paid to take a fall, but instead goes on the run with mobster Marsellus Wallace Ving Rhames's money. Meanwhile, hitmen Vincent Vega John Travolta and Jules Winnfield Samuel L. Jackson have a difficult morning trying to retrieve a briefcase full of cash for their boss before Vincent is tasked with taking Marsellus's wife Mia Uma Thurman out for the night. Elsewhere, would-be bank robbers Pumpkin and Honey Bunny Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer plan a heist in a diner.
Druh nosiče | Blu-ray |
Typ | filmy |